What 10 Things Should I Pack When Going to Disney?

Published date on October 17, 2016

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It is the age old question when packing for a day to a Disney park.

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A Walt Disney World vacation can be a magical trip from the start to end, but packing for it can be stressful. Guests can only pack so much, especially now with the strictly enforced airline weight limits, so packing is a crucial task to nail. While many guests pack the normal things for a trip to Walt Disney World like sunscreen, light clothing, sunglasses, and sandals, there are some less obvious things to pack that no guest should be without. These items might often be overlooked, but they can end up making the vacation days a lot more comfortable and enjoyable especially when accessible in the parks. Here are ten things that you probably hadn’t thought to pack in your park bag, but probably should!

Image result for What 10 Things Should I Pack When Going to Disney?

10. Filtered Water Bottle –

Central Florida and Walt Disney World can be ridiculously hot in the summer months and, combined with the extensive walking required in the parks, guests can become dehydrated easily. While many guests opt to purchase water bottles or drink from water fountains scattered throughout the parks, carrying around a filtered water bottle is a must! These bottle have small filters which can help to remove the taste of Florida tap water which some guests don’t enjoy. By constantly having a bottle on hand to refill, guests can save money by not having to purchase new bottles as well as remain hydrated and happy in the parks.

9. Pen and Paper –

Guests might not think that they would ever need a pen or paper in the parks, but there are plenty of times they could come in handy. Guests can use the pen and paper for character autographs, to jot down important information on where to meet other party members at a given time, or even just jot down notes from a phone conversation if need be. No matter what the situation, having a pen and paper in a park bag is a must.

8. Band-Aids –

While Walt Disney World is a very safe vacation destination, the occasional bumps, scrapes, and mishaps occur and it can be a lifesaver to have several Band-Aids in a park bag. Not only can it quickly cover up a cut or scrape to keep it from getting dirty, having them on hand can also save time that would otherwise be spent walking to First Aid.

7. Body Glide –

With so much walking in the heat and humidity, things can get uncomfortable quickly. Thus a must have item in a park bag is some form of anti-chafing stick which can be applied quickly and easily when things start to become irritated or uncomfortable. This simple item can save guests from days’ worth of discomfort and can easily be found in a local drug store.

6. Change of Clothes –

While they can be a little bulky, having a change of clothes in a park bag is a good idea. Guests can never totally know when the Florida skies will open up and rain buckets, getting them soaking wet. From rain to getting soaked on Kali River Rapids or Splash Mountain, no one likes to walk around wet so a change of clothes can come in handy.

Image result for walt disney world charging stations

5. External Phone Charger –

Walt Disney World is a huge place and being able to get in touch with family or friends while exploring the parks just makes like easier. One way to ensure that a phone won’t lose its battery life is to invest in an external phone charger. Most of them are compact and can fit in small park bags and simply plug into a phone for charging on the go. To stay connected and always have power, this is a must have!

4. Extra Memory Card –

Most guests might think that packing their camera and one memory card is enough for a vacation, but a backup is always a good idea. If something happens to damage or corrupt the initial memory card, guests will already have a backup on hand and not have to worry about no longer being able to take photos or have to purchase one in a Disney store where they can be pricier than at home.

3. Gum –

Guests who enjoy chewing gum should be sure to pack some before leaving home since it is not sold anywhere in Walt Disney World in order to avoid wads getting stuck on pathways and railings.

2. Extra Hair Ties –

This one is for all the girls out there. Packing extra hair ties or clips is an absolute must. With the high temperatures girls are going to want to put their hair up at times and with sometimes bouncy attractions, losing clips can be pretty easy. Having a few extra on hand takes up little room in a park bag and should definitely be thought of.

1. ID/Cash/Credit Card –

With the Magic Bands now allowing guests to pay for purchases with the tap of a wrist, many guests might not think to bring along some cash or credit cards just in case. Guests should also be sure to always carry ID, especially if they are looking to purchase alcoholic beverages in Walt Disney World. Having these few items on hand can save a lot of time and trouble in some situations, and they are necessities in a park bag!

via mickeytips.com
